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novità di call of the dead

by cod wikia

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  1. dø svidaniya

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    altre novità sulla nuova mappa,però in inglese.sottolineo di rosso le novità più interessanti.
    "It's anchors away for mayhem! In this epic tale of survival inspired by legendary writer and director George A. Romero, a group of four fearless explorers fight for their lives amidst an army of bloodthirsty Russian zombies. The story begins with our heroes stranded in the frozen wastelands of a forgotten Siberian outpost. On the hunt for the origins of the enigmatic Element 115, they head for the site of an ancient meteorite impact crater but their ship mysteriously runs aground. In the midst of a horrific snowstorm, our intrepid adventurers inadvertently unleash an unearthly horde of ravenous Zombies. From the island's deserted lighthouse to a shipwrecked ocean liner and a precarious zip-line in between, it's kill or be killed. And with shiploads of zombie Russian soldiers, scuba divers and sailors that rise out of the frozen ground and icy waters it's not going to be easy, especially considering the deadly surprise that one particular (and somewhat notable) Zombie has in mind."
    — Call of the Dead Plot Summary[1]

    Call of the Dead is a new zombie map in the upcoming map pack Escalation for Call of Duty: Black Ops. Treyarch says it will offer "a unique Zombies experience" and is "a very special creation for all Zombie fans."[2] The level is the first to feature actual celebrities fighting the zombies and features a celebrity as one of the zombies. Gameplay takes place on a ship and the land next to it.

    Confirmed Weapons

    FN FAL
    Ray Gun
    V-R11(l'arma che risucchia,approfondirò più avanti)
    Sniper rifle (Call of the Dead)
    Death Machine
    Matryoshka Doll
    China Lake


    A chain which the zombies can use to get to the ship. (Bypasses windows)
    Two Ziplines: One goes from the ship to the coast and the other goes from the lighthouse to the ship.
    George A. Romero guest stars as a boss but he doesn't have his own round, he appears at the same time as Zombies.
    Double Tap Root Beer, Juggernog and Quick Revive (It is unknown what other machines will be featured.). A new perk's symbol can also be seen. It is dark red and is a man with a crosshair over his head, possibly indicating an accuracy or headshot increasing perk
    The Flinger flips players off the ship and onto the coast
    A new Wonder Weapon called the V-R11.
    The V-R11 appears in the new Zombie map, Call of the Dead, that will be included in the new map pack Escalation. When Pack-a-Punched, the weapon is renamed to V-R11 Lazarus, its upgraded effects are still unknown at this time. It appears to fire explosive orange energy somewhat similar to the Ray Gun. This weapon has been given the capability of turning zombies back into humans. Not much else is known at this time.[1]
    George a romero
    "Years ago I did research for a World War II movie. I came across some Nazi documents. I couldn't believe what I was reading. The coolest thing is? Some of that crazy shit happened right here."
    — George A. Romero

    George A. Romero, a famous director, will be a boss-character in the up-coming Zombies map Call of the Dead from the map pack Escalation. Romero was doing research for a World War II movie when he came across Nazi documents pertaining to Element 115.[1]

    Romero's zombie is at first calm (the origin of his transformation is unknown) and walks around while groaning as a massive blue aura surrounds him. If ever agitated by being shot or damaged, he will grab out a movie studio light and roar out, causing the player's screen to shake. It's been hinted that you can interact with Romero with more ways than one. These ways you can "interact" with him may be related to the new wonder weapon (possibly killing him instantly or turning him human again).

    George A. Romero, who appears as a "boss" in Call of the Dead, has his own weapon. It is a spotlight with exposed wires protruding out of the end causing it to glow blue. One of his main attacks is to strike the ground to temporarily disorient players and fill their screens with electricity similar to the effect of the Teleporter, he can also use it to strike the player when close enough, temporarily covering the player's screen with electricity.
    infine spot pubblicitario ufficiale di call of the dead

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  3. I-4LT41R-I

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    grazie per le informazioni,sei un grande!!Secondo me la nuova arma potenziata,che si chiamerà lazarus,viene da lazzaro che è stato resuscitato.
  4. dø svidaniya

    User deleted

    oddio,adesso la treyarch se la prende anche con la chiesa xD
  5. Giuferro95

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    L'arma segreta è il VR-11 che non risucchia gli zombie, ma li trasforma in umani che scappano e attirano gli zombie
  6. I-4LT41R-I

    User deleted

    CITAZIONE (Giuferro95 @ 7/5/2011, 15:07) 
    L'arma segreta è il VR-11 che non risucchia gli zombie, ma li trasforma in umani che scappano e attirano gli zombie

    Lo ho scoperto solo guardando un gameplay il giorno dopo dell'uscita di escalation:nel trailer sembrava che li risucchiava perchè c'erano delle striscie d'aria intorno all'umano.
    P.S.Vi immaginate ad attaccare una semtex addosso a un umano?Sarebbe una bella tattica!
    Ah!Un'altra cosa.Ti consiglio di aggiornare la discussione perchè su cod wikia hanno aggiunto un sacco di cose e modificato qualcosa,come:
    -Hanno tolto(purtroppo) l' AK-47
    -Hanno aggiuto il Wunderwaffe DG-2 come arma speciale tipo la macchina mortale!!!
    -La semtex si compra dal muro!!
5 replies since 2/5/2011, 12:32   261 views